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The Solution

ECO2H2O 100% biodegradable bags. These bags are produced using < 65% of the energy used to manufacture plastic bags.


They are made from corn starch which is converted to dextrose and then a lactic acid polymer that breaks down slowly to carbon


dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) and can be used as fertilizer in the soil. The corn starch molecules gradually absorb water, swell


up and breakdown into small organic fragments that bacteria and other organisms can easily digest


At present, different biodegradable bags have been produced in different countries and regions around the world. This time, the


Crowdfunding have adopted European and American testing standards, which are independently tested by DIN CERTCO


Laboratories and are fully compliant with environmental standards.


 Compostable   Internationally recognized decomposable label

BPI    International recognition meets environmental standards

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